Monday, February 28, 2011

Some Like It Hot

i just watched this movie yesterday, and i love black and white movies but this was the first one i've seen with Merilyn Monroe in it. this movie is goofy and funny and Monroe's role is very cute (dumb, but cute.) but you know, she IS one of the most famous figures in history (movie history especially) and she died so young, i guess fame comes with a price, right? it is kinda sad though, i never really understood why she died (never tried to either, lol) but i can't help but wonder, was she happy with her life? was her fame worth something to her? well, i am planning on watching some other movies of her, but there's just so many, so i have no idea where to start... any suggestions?

hope you had a great weekend and you're ready to start another week of life.
 i know i am :)

she is very classy, isn't she?

Friday, February 25, 2011

Twist and Shout

this made me smile. (even though there is something slightly creepy in there)

happy weekend folks~

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Alice and the Pirates

so it's been a while since i last seen an anime, but i was snooping around the internet and found this awesome line called "Alice and the Pirates" created by Baby The Stars Shine Bright. it was so awesome that i had to share the stuff they sell! it looks like real-life anime... living in Japan sure is fun!

these dresses are so cool! i especially like the first ones, if i only had those...*sigh*

i am in love with those navy-blue boots! but the brown ones are cool too :)

i love knee-high socks, and these are just adorable!



these blouses and tops are just so out of this world! it just makes me want to be an anime character so bad! (or at least live in japan...)

and this jacket... is so pirate-like. awesomness.

and i really like these advertisement pics for the line

 hope you have an awesome day/night/whatever...

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Life's a Beach

so I have always loved the beach! swimming in the summer, taking a walk in the winter and just starring at it for hours thinking "what else is out there?". so lately i've been interested in coastal decoration. i think there's something completely magical in bringing some of this fresh ocean pieces to your house!

i love the colors of the furniture, and the great view!

this place seems so cozy and lovely!

seashells - probably the best decoration ever!

stones also work great :)

this vintage clock is just awesome~~

these are so cute, on etsy

i would love to make this cute little scrapbook one day!

sweet dreams~

Gossip Girl Fashion

first of all, i have to say that i don't watch Gossip Girl, and i don't usually wear high fashion since my daily style is more casual and a little bit of rockish sometimes, but when there's some special occasion i just love dressing up! so the latest thing that caught my eye is Gossip Girl's fashion. i think it's super cute and classy and it gave me tons of new ideas. here some of my favorite outfits:

Blair in Paris, how cute that skirt is??

i seriously love the colors here, it looks cute and warm at the same time.

yep. that coat is awesome!

my favorite color right now is probably Navy Blue, that's why i love this dress so much!! 
i found one here on eBay, thinking of buying it next ,month! :)

i love red dresses, and this one is enchanting!

tights and knee-long socks - a must have in my opinion!

so yeah, i focused more on Blaire's fashion here, but i think she has a great wardrobe! i am not as girly as she, but it is fun to dress up once in a while :)

Have a great day~

Friday, February 11, 2011

La Pomme ( Etsy shop )

so i found this absolutely lovely shop on Etsy which completely stole my heart!
it just has so many vintage French pieces which just take you back in time and remind you about the special things in life. ( and honestly, it kinda reminded me of Disney's Beauty and the Beast )

so here are some of my favorites:

aren't these tree ornaments just so awesome? i would hang them anywhere, i love cool stuff you can hang.

vintage music sheet. now, this is perfect for so many things!! i can only imagine the stuff i could do with that pile!

canvas paintings - perfect for any house.

wood baskets - so cute.

so these are a few of my favorite items, but you are very welcome to explore this shop for yourself!
happy weekend~

Thursday, February 10, 2011

music to my ears.

so i realized i haven't been talking much about music - a subject worth talking about.
i am ALWAYS in a search of good music, i collect music from everywhere. movies, TV shows, the radio... i always open my ears to notice great songs and then finding them online. i have a pretty big and impressive collection of music ( all legally bought of course! ) and well, i decided to share a few of my most-played songs with you, hope you like them :)

for all of you hard rock lovers ( like myself), i just recently heard this song over a Guitar Hero game i played on the iPod touch in the iDigital store ( i was looking for a something to hold all of my music, and decided that iPod classic might be the best thing ) so yeah, i really like this song. :)

so this is an energetic country song i heard on the P.S I Love You movie, and i love listening to it when i am cleaning up! its so much fun! i really do love country music :)

this is a lovely downbeat song i heard over Smallville ( i am currently obsessed with this show right now ) which always calms me down.

another acoustic song i heard over Smallville ( man, this show has some great music! ) and this is actually pretty sad, but it has so much emotion in it!

so i am ending this post with this last song that always showed me the bright side of life.

have a happy week!! :)

Saturday, February 5, 2011


i love how words can be so daily and casual but still reflect so much emotion and really affect people. words are powerful.

so i decided to share some of my favorite quotes i have collected over the time... enjoy :)

if ever there is a tomorrow when we're not
together, there is something you must always
remember. you are braver than you believe,
stronger than you seem, and smarter than
you think. but the most important thing is,
even if we're apart, i'll always be with you.
-winnie the pooh

The most beautiful things in the world are not seen nor touched. They are felt with the heart.
-- Helen Keller

God will never take anything away from you
without giving you something so much better.

Music is your own experience, your thoughts, your wisdom.  If you don't live it, it won't come out of your horn.  ~Charlie Parker

There is nothing in the world so much like prayer as music is.  ~William P. Merrill

"Give me my Romeo; and when I shall die
Take him and cut him out in little stars,
And he will make the face of heaven so fine
That all the world will be in love with night"
~ Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet

have a wonderful week!

btw, can someone give me a review about the Flip camera?? i want something with a good video sound and i was thinking of buying it.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Time Traveler's Wife

i gotta admit, first time i saw the movie in the theater with a couple of friends i was just so confused. but i saw it again on the TV and i think that even though it's not an ordinary drama movie, it's quite sweet.

one thing i noticed this time, is the cute outfits in the movie. i think that Claire has a great wardrobe!

this brown leather jacket is just awesome! i think leather jackets are awesome and i actually have a black one ( synthetic, since i don't like to buy real leather ) and i don't need anything else!! well, except when it gets cold, then i kinda need a warm coat. ( luckily, i have that hehe ) anyway, my point is - leather jacket is a must in EVERY wardrobe.

i am really loving this cozy sweater she's wearing... cozy things like that are so awesome to wear at home when it's raining ( along with an awesome book! )

this yellow color is amazing. that's all i can say. perfect for the up-and-coming spring! 
( in this picture, she looks a bit like Kirsten Stewart from Twilight, doesn't she? ) 

and finally, i REALLY like this long sleeve jean-shirt. i saw it once in H&M but never bought it, i think i should next time i spot it!

so yeah... basically, i love casual and comfy outfits, gotta admit, it looks cute without too much effort!

so on that note i will finish the post and will head off to work.
have a beautiful day~ C:

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

dream big.

so before going to sleep i thought i would share some of my favorite photography. i really have no idea who should i give credit to, but if you know, please do tell.

i love the night. it's so magical! and a great chance to dream about your plans for the future. i don't know what the future holds for me, but i do know what i want, and i am not afraid of dreaming big :)

"Even if I don't reach all my goals, I've gone higher than I would have if I hadn't set any." 
-- Danielle Fotopoulis

so true. this is my life moto. 
( well, one of them... i really have too many. )

good night fellows~